HIMATIKA Software Training 2023

HIMATIKA Software Training 2023 is a training activity for students in the Mathematics Study Program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, aimed at improving students’ skills in technology, particulary in programming with Python language and to make students aware of the potential usefulness of Python programming, which will be useful in the world of work, especially in the field of Data Science.

PHIMATIKA Software Training 2023 is an event organized by the Mathematics Student Association of Udayana University (Himatika), under the auspices of the Education and Reasoning Departement. The theme of this activity is “Software as a Necessity in the New Digital Era” with the meaning and purpose that software skills are one of the essential requirements in supporting the development of the digital world in the current era. Therefore, the organizing committee hopes that this activity can provide a platform for Mathematics students to learn and develop software skills that can be useful in the future, both internally and externally, for Udayana University.

HIMATIKA Software Training 2023 will be held on Saturday, May 13, 2023 starting from 09.00 AM to 02.30 PM, located in Room B, GF building, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, Bukit Jimbaran. This event will feature a speaker named I Made Eka Dwipayana, S.Si., M.Si., who is a lecturer in the Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University. This event will continue with the assignment given by the speaker, which will then be completed by the participants within a predetermined time frame. The tasks completed by the participants will be directly reviewed by the speaker. As an appreciation for the participants who attend Pelatihan Software Himatika 2023, the committee will give prizes to three participants with the best assignments.