Algebra Public Lecture Series 2

Algebra Public Lecture (KUA) is one of the activities of Algebra Enthusiast Community (KPA) which aims to help undergraduate students in understanding algebraic lecture materials. This activity is a continuation of the 2020 activities, namely KUA-KPA with the topic Algebra structure. For 2021, KUA-KPA is implemented as many as 5 Series with The Topic of Linear Elementary Algebra and Advanced Linear Algebra. This event is also supported by Indo MS.  In connection with the KUA-KPA event, Mathematics Study Program, FMIPA, Udayana University collaborated with KPA and Indo MS BaliNusra Region in organizing KUA-KPA Series 2 on February 27, 2021 at 07.30-11.50 WIB through Zoom platform and Youtube live streaming with vector space theme: R2, R3, and Rn.  The speakers from KUA-KPA  are Prof. Dr. Irawati MS (Lecturer of Mathematics Department of FMIPA ITB), Uha Isnaini, S.Si., M.Sc. , Ph.D (Lecturer of Mathematics Department of FMIPA UGM) and Dr. I Gede Adhitya Wisnu Wardhana (Lecturer of Mathematics Department of FMIPA Mataram University).