Guest Lecture "Long Short-Term Memory for Time Series Analysis: Simulation and Empirical Studies"
The Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, held a Guest Lecture entitled "Short-Term Memory Time Series Analysis: Simulation and Empirical Studies" on Tuesday, September 26, 2023. This guest lecture was held in hybrid mode. Online meetings were held via Webex, while offline meetings were held in the GF B building, Mathematics Study Program, Udayana University, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. A total of 220 participants took part online and 35 offline participants who were lecturers and students from inside and outside Udayana University. The resource person in this activity was Prof. Dr. Khairil Anwar Notodiputro, M.S from IPB University, who delivered the material online. This activity is a series of events for the 61st Udayana University Anniversary.
The guest lecture activity began with an opening by the chairman of the committee, Ir. I Komang Gde Sukarsa, M.Si, then continued with the presentation of material by the resource person. I Wayan Sumarjaya, S.Si., M.Stats, was the moderator for the discussion session between students and resource persons. Closing this activity, the resource person's certificate was displayed as a form of appreciation to the resource person for his willingness to take the time to give a guest lecture.