The 2021 Himtika Blood Donation is one of the activities organized by the Mathematics Student Association, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University as a form of community service in an effort to form social awareness which is packaged in

blood donation activities. In essence, the blood transfusion business is an important part of the field of public health services and is a form of help between fellow human beings. The 2021 Himtika Blood Donation activity will be carried out directly at the PMI Denpasar City Headquarters. The existence of the 2021 Himtika Blood Donation activity aims to increase humanity and as a form of our concern for fellow human beings.

The Himtika Blood Donation 2021, which will be held on September 25, 2021, takes the theme "A little blood for a big life" which means that a drop of our blood is very important and useful for someone's big life. This activity is in collaboration with PMI Denpasar City by directly coming to PMI Denpasar City Headquarters, on Jalan. Imam Bonjol No. Km. 3, Pemecutan Klod, Kec. West Denpasar, Denpasar City, Bali 80119.

At the time of the activity, very strict health protocols were carried out considering that it was still during the pandemic, such as Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) officers as the party carrying out the blood draw, the activity committee and participants were required to wash their hands, and keep their distance. In addition, before entering the room, the donor must have his body temperature checked. There were 20 blood donors, where the participants were the mathematician community and the invitees were the Coordinator of the Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, Mrs. Desak Putu Eka Nila Kusmawati S.Si., M.Si. The technical implementation of the activity starts from directing donors to wash their hands, measure body temperature, fill in attendance and fill out blood donation forms. After the donor fills out the form, the donor is directed to carry out a Health check first. If the donor passes the health examination stage, the donor can already donate blood. A total of 20 bags of blood that have been collected in this activity, where later all the blood that has been donated will be subjected to a lab test to determine whether the donated blood does not carry viruses or other diseases. The activity ended with the handing over of placards and certificates of cooperation to the PMI Denpasar City and cleaning up.