Logaritma Udayana 2021 is one of the activities organized by the Mathematics Student Association of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University as a form of direct application, especially in the fields of Education and Reasoning. The Logaritma Udayana 20201 is carried out to give more attention to students by organizing several competitions, namely, Mathematics and Statistics Competition (KMS), Essay Competition, and Digital Poster Competition. Where this competition is expected to be a forum for conveying an idea, idea or innovation as well as deepening students' understanding of Mathematics. Through this activity, it is hoped that it can encourage the younger generation, the target in this case is students at the high school / vocational / equivalent level in Bali and students throughout Indonesia as agents of change in developing their potential.

The opening of the Logaritma Udayana 2021 was held semi-offline on October 17th, 2021, which this time took the theme "Gana Srsti Adimukhya" which means that with an understanding of gana/counting, it is hoped that we can also utilize human potential to achieve excellence and achievement. This opening activity was held at the UKM Building, to be precise in the UKM 2 room, Mathematics Campus, Bukit Jimbaran.

During the activity, health protocols are carried out very strictly considering that it is currently still in the pandemic period, such as when registering for the arrival of the all committee and MC, they must check body temperature, use hand sanitizer/wash hands, and maintain distance. The number of committee members who come offline is limited to 20 people. The opening of the Logaritma Udayana 2021 was attended by contest participants and online invitees through the Cisco Webex Meeting. The technical activities for the opening of the Logaritma Udayana 2021 are starting with participant registration and invitations, then opening the logaritma video, singing the Indonesia Raya anthem, the Udayana Hymne, Mars MIPA, and Mars Mathematics. After that, there is a prayer reading represented by Sie Consumroh. Then there was a report from the chairman of the committee and several remarks from the Head of Himmatika, Coordi- nary of Mathematics and the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences as well as being symbolic of the opening of the Logaritma Udayana 2021 event. After that, there was a video showing introduction and information delivery, the competition mechanism from the committee and discussions. The opening activity of the Logaritma Udayana 2021 ended with an evaluation meeting and cleaning up.