Logaritma Udayana 2021 is one of the activities organized by the Mathematics Student Association of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University as a form of direct application, especially in the fields of Education and Reasoning. The Logaritma Udayana is carried out to give more attention to students and students by holding several competitions, namely, Mathematics and Statistics Competition (KMS), Essay Competition, and Digital Poster Competition. Where this competition is expected to be a forum for conveying an idea, or innovation as well as deepening students understanding of Mathematics. Through this activity, it is hoped that it can encourage the younger generation. The targets in this case are students at the SMA/SMK/equivalent level in Bali and students throughout Indonesia as agents of change in developing their potential.

The peak of the Logaritma Udayana 2021 will be held semi-offline on Saturday, November 13th, 2021. Logaritma Udayana 2021 peak activity will be held in the Nusantara Agrokomplek Room, Campus Unud Sudirman. The offline implementation of this activity was attended by several invitees, namely, the Head of Mathematics Study Program, Himatika, Middle and High School Mathematics Olympiad Winners, High School Statistics Olympiad Winners, Entertainment Event Attendants, and the entire Logaritma Udayana 2021 Committee. Then the online implementation was carried out via Cisco Webex Meeting , which was attended by several invitees, namely, Lecturers of the Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, Winners of Essay Contest, Winners of Digital Poster Contest, and several committees who work online.

During the activity, health protocols were carried out very strictly considering that it was still during the pandemic. As during arrival registration, guests must have their body temperature checked, use hand sanitizer/wash hands, and keep their distance. Logaritma Udayana 2021 Peak Activity began with registration of invitations, then the MC opened the event informally, then there was the delivery of impressions, messages, and games which were attended by several invited guests and the committee. After that, there is ISBAMA and entertainment events, where the entertainment event here is an acoustic and dance presentation from the Mathematics study program batch 2021, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University. After that, it was continued to the Logaritma Udayana 2021 Peak event, starting from showing a flashback video of the Logaritma Udayana 2021, then proceeding to the announcement of the winner of each competition category, namely the student essay competition winner : 1st place from Udayana University on behalf of Ni Nyoman Era Jumantini, 2nd place from Gadjah Mada University on behalf of Silvina Rosita Yulianti, 3rd place from Udayana University on behalf of Luh Gde Trishia Damayanti. Next, the winners of the essay competition in the SMA category: 1st place from SMAN 1 Mendoyo on behalf of Komang Pradnya Surya Dewi, 2nd place from SMAN 1 Denpasar on behalf of Kadek Wanda Pratiwi, 3rd place from SMAN 1 Gianyar on behalf of Ni Made Maha Patni Swakarma Udayani. Next, the winners of the digital poster competition for the student category: 1st place from Udayana University, 2nd place from ITB STIKOM Bali, 3rd place from Udayana University, favorite winner from Udayana University. Next, the winners of the digital poster competition for the SMA category: 1st place from MAN 1 Jembrana, 2nd place from MAN 1 Jembrana, 3rd place from SMAN 3 Denpasar, favorite winner from SMAN 2 Mengwi. Furthermore, the winners of the KMS competition in the SMA statistics category: 1st place from Jembatan Budaya High School on behalf of Jocelyne Kristiana Thayono, 2nd place from SMKN 2 Singaraja on behalf of Putu Sutama, 3rd place from Jembatan Budaya High School on behalf of Tan Joshua, 1st place winner from SMAN 1 Negara above the name of I Putu Wahyu Mahendra, the second runner-up from SMKN 2 Singaraja on behalf of Kadek Putri Ratna Dewi, and the third-place winner from Jembatan Budaya High School on behalf of Edrea Tara D'Andrea. Next, the winners of the KMS competition for the SMA Mathematics category: 1st place from SMAN 4 Denpasar on behalf of I Nyoman Narayan Kitas Utama, 2nd place from SMAN 1 Denpasar on behalf of Ni Wayan Pradnyadhari Kusumaputri, 3rd place from MAN 1 Jembrana on behalf of Ikhlas Bintang Ramadhan, hopeful winner 1 from SMAN 1 Denpasar on behalf of Ngakan Putu Bagus Aditya Pradnya, 2nd place winner from SMAN 3 Denpasar on behalf of Made Prema Pradnya Prashanti, and 3rd place winner from MAN 1 Jembrana on behalf of Muhammad Ramzy Ramadhani. Next, the winners of the KMS competition in the junior high school math category: 1st place from SMPN 10 Denpasar on behalf of Putu Wahyu Satya Wiryatama, 2nd place from SMPN 1 Denpasar on behalf of I Made Gede Ngurah Anantara Mahottama Putra, 3rd place from SMPN 1 Denpasar on behalf of Bryan Junov Scofield Ramadhan , 1st place winner from SMPN 3 Denpasar on behalf of I Putu Dickson Partha Hartopo, 2nd runner up from SMPN 10 Denpasar on behalf of I Putu Gemilang Satria Suryawan, and 3rd place winner from SMPN 1 Kuta on behalf of Kimi Arion Divayana. It was followed by a group photo session, after which there were announcements and the awarding of trophies to schools, namely SMPN 10 Denpasar, SMAN 4 Denpasar, and SMA Jembatan Budaya. This was followed by the submission of the Head of the Committee's Report related to activities and continued by the speech of the Head of Himatika and the Speech of the Head of the Mathematics Study Program the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University as well as the closing of the Logaritma Udayana 2021 event. Then Logaritma Udayana 2021 Peak activity ended with an evaluation meeting and cleaning.