Mangrove Cultivation Activity MATCA 2024

    Mangrove Cultivation is one of the activities in the work program of the Udayana University Mathematics Student Association for the 2024 period, which focuses on community service. This activity serves as a platform to realize the Tri Dharma of Higher Education at Udayana University, educating on mangrove management, contributing to coastline protection from erosion, preserving mangrove tree populations, and maintaining the sustainability of coastal ecosystems.

    The theme chosen for the MATCA 2024 event is "Green Action for Mangroves," emphasizing the importance of green initiatives for mangrove conservation. This involves mangrove planting, awareness campaigns on the significance of mangrove preservation, and active participation from the community in sustaining coastal ecosystems. Mangroves play a crucial role in environmental protection and offer numerous benefits to life, both physically, biologically, and economically.

    The Mangrove Cultivation activity took place on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at the Segara Guna Batu Lumbang Joint Business Group, Pemogan Village, South Denpasar District, Denpasar City. The activity started at 07:30 and lasted until completion. It provided education on mangrove seedling planting techniques by the Segara Guna Batu Lumbang Joint Business Group, followed by hands-on planting by all participants, committee members, and invited faculty.