Mangrove Cultivation MATCA 2023

Mangrove Cultivation MATCA 2023 is a community service activity, namely planting mangrove seeds which are attended by the academic community of the Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University. The rationale for this activity is to look at the various problems caused by sea waves so that the role of mangrove plants is needed to reduce the strength of sea waves. The preservation of mangrove plants is expected to be able to avoid disasters caused by sea waves.

This year Mangrove Cultivation MATCA 2023 carries the theme "The Mangrove Save Our Earth" to represent the important role of mangroves. This activity has a goal, namely as a form of contribution to protecting the coastline from problems caused by seawater, fostering a sense of love and concern for the surrounding environment, as well as a means of self-reflection through activities in nature. The MATCA 2023 Mangrove Cultivation concept is different from the previous year where in this year's activity participants had to take transportation in the form of a canoe to get to the mangrove planting place. This certainly adds to the experience of the participants who can also travel.

Mangrove Cultivation MATCA 2023 will be held on Saturday, 18 March 2023 from 11.20 a.m. until finished in the area of Kelompok Usaha Bersama Batu Lumbang, Pemogan Village, South Denpasar. Before holding the mangroves, participants received education about mangroves and procedures for storing mangroves from local fishermen. Then, the participants departed for the mangrove planting location by using canoe transportation where each canoe was ridden by 2 people. After arriving at the planting location, the participants were asked to plant mangroves in areas that needed to be planted with mangroves. After all the mangrove seeds were planted, the participants returned to the gathering point by boarding a canoe.