Mathematics Study Program in News

As one of the learning strategies at the higher education level, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia has initiated a form of Merdeka Belajar (Freedom to Learn), Kampus Merdeka (Independent Campus) which is based on at least 2 things, namely (a) increasing challenges faced by the nation related to graduate competition higher education institutions in the regional and/or national job market, and (b) increasing the link and match of graduate competencies with the needs of the world of work.

As a study program within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University is not only responsible for preparing graduates but also includes a quality learning process by the needs of the world of work at local, regional, and/or international levels; The Mathematics Undergraduate Study Program also seeks to ensure that the "Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka" (MBKM) design for students can run well by referring to (a) providing opportunities for 'independent' students to improve their competence in the context of 'constitutional' studies. program curriculum design; (b) protect students who want to take part in the MBKM program so that the output of the MBKM program activities they participate in is of high quality; and (c) ensure that the assessments of the MBKM program partners that are participated in can be converted as the acquisition of course grades in the study program in a responsible manner.

Believing that the three hopes of the Mathematics Study Program regarding MBKM are very difficult to realize and require hard work from all stakeholders (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mathematics Study Program, students, and the academic community). discussion as follows:

1. It was agreed that the MBKM program that was programmed should start from a dialogue between the Academic Advisory Lecturer and the fostered students during the discussion of the study plan at the beginning of the semester;

2. The conversion of 20-semester credits is determined by the Academic Advisor lecturer based on discussions with the fostered students with the forms and activities of the MBKM program partners;

3. Conversion courses are selected from subjects that are classified as Capita Selecta (not mandatory courses for the 2021 Mathematics Study Program Curriculum) so that the Study Results of Graduates (CPL) as Bachelor of Mathematics are maintained;

4. The assessment of conversion courses is carried out by the activity supervisor by considering the assessment of the MBKM program partners who are being followed on student performance; MBKM program partner assessment weights, and other relevant indicators are used to assess student performance fairly and responsibly.

5. The list of all Capita Selekta courses is sent as soon as possible to the organizers of the Academic Management Information System, followed by revisions to the MBKM program courses at the "Pangkalan Data Pendidikan Tinggi" (where all information and statistics about universities in Indonesia are presented in real-time) so that synchronization of final grades of courses is not hampered.

Author: ENK –