Student Creativity Program (PKM) Seminar Activities

The PKM seminar is an activity that focuses on increasing knowledge about PKM, especially in the field of Mathematics for participants, namely students of the Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University.

The theme carried is "Creating a Generation of Intelligent and Contributive Mathematics Students Through Creative and Innovative PKM Towards PIMNAS". This activity has the aim of increasing knowledge about PKM, especially in the field of Mathematics for the participants, growing the interest of participants, namely students of the Mathematics Study Program in the PKM field, and increasing the quality and quantity of PKM formed within the scope of the Mathematics Study Program, Udayana University.

This activity will be held on Saturday, April 02, 2022, starting at 11.30 until it's finished. This activity presented two speakers with the first speaker being a psychology student who passed the 2021 PIMNAS named I Dewa Ayu Srideswari Putri who would share his experiences related to PIMNAS. And continued with the second speaker who is a lecturer in the Mathematics Study Program and has guided the preparation of PKM which will be presented by Mrs Luh Putu Ida Harini, S.Si., M.Sc by presenting PKM Quality Improvement material in the field of mathematics.