Study Orientation and Getting Acquainted with the Campus

Thursday, August 19, 2021. Study Orientation and Getting Acquainted with the Campus is a mandatory program that must be followed by new students of the Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University. The event was opened by the coordinator of the mathematics study program, Ms. DPE Nilakusmawati, S.Si., M.Si. A total of 90 new students from the mathematics study program took part in this event. This activity was followed by the delivery of several presentations. The first presentation was delivered by Mrs. Ratna Widyastuti, S.Si., M.Sc. The topic of her talk was about history of mathematics study program, competences in the mathematics study program , lecturers, and education staff, as well as activities carried out by the study program. The last presentation was about the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program which was delivered by Mrs. I Gusti Ayu Made Srinadi S.Si., M.Si.